Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chimop For Indesign

layout tool in InDesign that allows for semi-automatic page layouts. Chimp has little to do with Drupal per se, but it has a lot to do with making print media more accessible for low-budget organisations and newsrooms. The beta we're running locally has cut about a third off our layout time, and we're aiming at chopping a full half of our time spent layouting. It's different from PrintCasting in that it's intended for small newsrooms (locals, student newspapers, ...) that have a layout-staff and want to be more productive, rather than providing a fully-automatic solution for people who can't afford designers. It's different from other automatic layout systems (like DTI PageMagic, the ISI docuboxx, ...) in that it'll be free rather than unaffordable for us mere mortals.

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