Friday, January 30, 2009

Drupal Sites

Below is a very short list of other companies who have chosen the drupal framework recently.
All the links are to the Drupal sites.

1) FedEx : A very well known express delivery company

2)The United Nations : A site that supports and inspires people from around the world to take action in support of the Millennium Development Goals.

3) Nike : A well known sports site with a large database

4) Warner Brothers Records : A huge site with a very different Theme for drupal.

5) Freshbrain: A safe enviroment for high school students [where they ] will be able to do activities and projects using our state of the art platform, tools, training and with the support communities and advisors!

6) Team Sugar : Womens social network and community

7) Lifetime TV : massive Drupal site with a movie database,television schedule, videos,photos, editor-produced articles,
user-produced stories, games, tag clouds, topic-based search, and beautiful theme.

8) Project Opus : Local music community.Music events and people where you live; free music hosting and play list.

9) Adrenaline Hub : The action sports community site with news aggregation and video upload.

10) SonyBMG : Britney Spears Blackout Magazine: Videos, events, photos,Lyrics etc.

1 comment:

arvind said...

These big companies do use drupal but they are customized by some expert. Otherwise a person with no php knowledge can built such sites